Masters Biathlon
Follow The Biathlon Program
The Masters LR Biathlon program is designed for biathletes looking for biathlon range coaching and range time. Coaches will focus on refining range technique and increasing the accuracy of the athlete. Coaches will work with the biathlete’s individual physical training programs and incorporate those into range coaching to help the Biathlete obtain the best results. Some are committed to racing at an elite masters level while others are looking for a unique and challenging activity to improve their personal health.
Proficient Nordic ski skills is a MUST before joining.
Program includes Masters Nordic program.
Masters Air Rifle:
The Masters Air Rifle program will be for novice Biathletes wanted to log some biathlon time before investing in a 22lr biathlon rifle and shooting on the 50-meter range or for those biathletes who are comfortable with the air rifle and may want to train for target sprint races in the summer.
Master Biathletes should show a high level of focus and commitment to training sessions. Additionally, athletes should always operate in a safe and productive manner. Finally, athletes are expected to train in pursuit of the goal whether it is to race at the World Master Games or better your biathlon ability.
Biathlon is a goal-driven sport that brings out the best in any individual.
Attended an intro to biathlon clinic within the last 6 months and show safe rifle and range technique. or, be “Red Book” certified and show the department director safe rifle and range technique.
Advanced Nordic skate skiing ability. Skiing with a rifle takes a solid skiing foundation. If you need to improve your skate skiing skill, we recommend joining the ASC Nordic Masters Program.
Athletes must provide their own equipment, including rifles, ammunition, and skis. 22lr and air rifle must be biathlon specific and approved by the biathlon Director before use. A limited number of ASC Biathlon air rifles will be available for lease.
Contact the Biathlon Program Director for details.
- Year-round programs start June 1st and end April 15th.
- Winter starts September 1st and ends April 15th.
- Exact range times subject to change.
AGES: 30+
SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate – Advanced
Year-round 1 day/week – $1400
Year-round 3 days/week – $2000
Winter Session Senior/Master 3 Day (32 sessions) Open Range |
$1,100 |
Winter Session Senior/Master 1 Day (20 sessions) Open Range |
$800 |
The number of range sessions is approximate and could be more or less depending on weather/road conditions and other factors outside of ASC’s control.
Winter Schedule
Wednesday 8:00-10:00 am
Friday 8:00-10:00 am
Sunday 8:00-11:00 am

- Unused sessions do NOT roll over to next season.
- Refunds are only allocated on special occasions.
Important Documents
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